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Meet the German department

The German department is Ian McMillan, Grace Susay, and Sara Camplisson. Our German assistant this year is Elke Gula from Baden Württenberg

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Academic offer

We offer German to GCSE and A-level.


Extra-curricular offer

The German Department has had successful and popular trips to Freiburg, Munich, Berlin (with the history department), Bielefeld, and Baden Württenberg.  We have hosted visiting teachers from Hamburg and Hannover and a school group from Essen-Borbeck. We are currently working on an internet project with a school in Berlin who are planning to visit us in June 2017; we will make a return visit in 2018.


What we do well

German, spoken by millions throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland, has more native speakers in Europe than any other language. (Yes, there are lots of English, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic speakers, but they all live on other continents!)  The German economy remains a central pillar of the European Union and the German language is becoming increasingly important to us throughout the Brexit negotiations in everything from the cars we buy to the supermarkets in which we get the weekly groceries! German combines particularly well with STEM subjects and there are many employment opportunities for  engineering and science graduates who are prepared to move to Germany. German is also an extremely important language for students wishing to study philosophy or theology at an advanced level.

Don’t forget – it is free to go to university in Germany, even if you are not German!

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