Dear Parents & Carers,
It has been a purposeful and positive start to the new year, with students in all year groups settling into their courses and our extra-curricular programme up and running.
With the completion of our new school, it will be a momentous and exciting year at Shimna.
Work is progressing well and we look forward to moving into the main building later this year. Once we move in, the next stage of the project, including the demolition of the current building and construction of our new sports hall, will commence.
Construction work has reduced the number of parking spaces on site and further restrictions are likely to follow over the coming months. We appreciate your support in continuing to use Donard car park for dropping off and collection.
As previously communicated, to prevent inconveniencing local residents, please avoid driving up to the back gate.
Articles of Association
You will have seen our communication last Friday regarding the updating of the College’s Articles of Association. We very much hope you will sign up to become a Member.
Student Leadership Team
Welcome to our Year 14 Student Leadership Team
Taking on a variety of roles, the team members have started work on a number of initiatives, including the plan for the library in our new school, fund-raising for local charities, the promotion of participation in sport, enhanced recycling facilities and the creation of a student team to work alongside Mr Milligan, leader of our Resilience Programme.
We have also secured funding from the IEF to introduce a sign language course. Further information on the opportunities available will follow in due course.
Young Ambassadors

The Young Ambassadors scheme was launched a year ago. The students who signed up made a positive impact, representing the views of other students and contributing in a variety of ways, such as leading extra-curricular activities and helping with events like Open Evening. Alongside our Peer Mentor programme, the Young Ambassadors scheme provides valuable leadership opportunities.
Applications to volunteer as Young Ambassadors are now open to students in Years 8 to 13. Students who signed up last year are encouraged to re-apply and new applicants are encouraged to join.
Students can apply by clicking on the application link 2024. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 2 October.
Parents & Carers Council
With the new school year up and running, we would like to reconvene our Parents & Carers Council on Thursday 10 October. We will run two sessions, at 4.00 pm or 5.30 pm.
Please contact us on if you would like to join us
Agenda items include: structure and roles; fund-raising priorities; new build decant and opportunities for local community; resourcing the new library.
Coming up
Thursday 3 October: Gordon Wilson Lecture - 7.00 pm in the Assembly Hall
Our guest speaker is Colin Parry. The title of his talk is “Tim: An Ordinary Boy”
It is not a ticketed event but it would be helpful to have expressions of interest via this sign-up form
Friday 11 October: P7 Day - College closed to students ( except for helpers on the day )
Tuesday 15 October: College Celebration - 7.00 pm at the Slieve Donard Hotel
Parent Consultations
Year 8: Friday 25 October ( 1.00 - 3.00 pm ) - College closes for half term at 12.30 pm
Sixth Form: Thursday 14 November ( 4.30 - 6.30 pm )
Year 12: Friday 7 February ( 1.00 - 3.00 pm ) - College closes for half term at 12.30 pm
Year 10: Monday 24 February ( 4.30 - 6.30 pm )
Year 11: Wednesday 12 March ( 4.30 - 6.30 pm )
Year 9: Thursday 27 March ( 4.30 - 6.30 pm )
We Welcome three new colleagues
We welcome three new members of our teaching staff: Lauren McGreevy, Head of French; Rachael Higgins, Politics & History; and Eileen Hanna, Home Economics and Health & Social Care ( maternity cover )
We say goodbye to two of our Learning Support Assistants, Shirley Annett and Gillian
McClelland. Gillian has retired and Shirley has started up her own business as a driving
instructor. We thank them for their contribution over the years and wish them all the very best for the future.
We aim to work closely with parents, carers and the Education Welfare Service to ensure
levels of student attendance are high. Given the strong correlation between attendance
and outcomes, we are determined to ensure our students have the best possible
opportunity to succeed. Further guidance can be found here
Attendance Matters ( Department of Education publication )
Safeguarding & Child Protection
Please visit the updated section of our website for further information regarding our policies and procedures
The College avails of counselling services provided by Family Works. For the past fifteen
years, we have been fortunate to have had Vicky Sherlock as our dedicated counsellor.
Over this time, many Shimna students have benefitted from Vicky’s expertise and
compassion, receiving vital confidential support. A reminder that the key contact in school is Danella Goodman.
We are delighted to welcome Isla Killen as Vicky’s successor.
Many thanks for your ongoing support for the College.
Steve Pagan
20 September 2024