Open Evening extra
We are aware of a clash in the programme of open evenings last Thursday.
Families who would like to visit Shimna are welcome to join us this Thursday ( 23 January ) between 4.00 and 5.30 pm.
To make an appointment, please contact the College at
Welcome to Biology A level
A level biology is a versatile stepping stone to many and diverse fields of work and study. It is a great choice of subject for people who want a career in health and medical professions, such as medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy veterinary science, nursing pharmacy and optometry. It could open the way to an exciting range of degree and higher education courses such as neuroscience, zoology, marine biology, microbiology or forensic sciences. In fact, the key skills of analysis, questioning, forming hypothesis and prediction are prerequisites for most higher education courses.
Many of our students have gone on to study biology - based degrees and higher degrees at university. Recently qualified students include those who have gone on to:
Northumbria University – Biomedical Sciences
Cambridge University - Veterinary Science
Edge Hill University - Early Years Learning
Surrey – Bioscience
University of Hull – Industrial chemistry
Newcastle University and QUB – Medicine
University of Ulster - Mathematics and Sports Studies
In the A level biology course we study life at every level of organization - from biological molecules to organ systems, from the genetics of populations, to the interaction of organisms within ecosystems. Students develop a range of skills with the emphasis on thinking scientifically. Lesson based theoretical and practical work is supported by a lab book and a wide range of resource types for independent study is available to students on our virtual learning environment.
A level biology outline
We follow the WJEC biology specification.
AS biology (Year 13) has 2 units:
Unit 1: Basic Biochemistry and Cell Organisation
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes (80 marks)
20% of qualification
A range of short and longer structured questions and one extended response.
Unit 2:Biodiversity and Physiology of Body Systems
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes (80 marks)
20% of qualification
A range of short and longer structured questions and one extended response.
A Level (the above plus a further 3 units)
Unit 3: Energy, Homeostasis and the Environment
Written examination: 2 hours (90 marks)
25% of qualification
A range of short and longer structured questions and one extended response.
Unit 4: Variation, Inheritance and Options
Written examination: 2 hours (90 marks)
25% of qualification
Section A: 70 marks
A range of short and longer structured questions and one extended response.
Section B: 20 marks
Unit 5: Practical examination (50 marks)
10% of qualification
This unit comprises two tasks:
• Experimental Task (20 marks)
• Practical Analysis Task (30 marks)
Please visit the WJEC A-level Biology website for more information.
All AS and A2 biology resources are now our our VLE
British Biology Olympiad
The British Biology Olympiad (BBO) is an annual competition for post-16 students. It challenges and stimulates gifted students with an interest in biology to expand and extend their talents. It allows the A Level biology students to demonstrate their knowledge and to be suitably rewarded and publicly recognised by the award of medals, certificates and other prizes. We have been entering students in this competition since 2009 and our winners are pictured below.
Conor Poland - gold medal
Orla OConnor - bronze medal
Sait Can Ozdemir - highly commended
Head of Biology email contact:
Useful Links
For further information click on the following links:
A level biology exam board:
A level biology revision website:
Alex Henderson - highly commended
Kemal Ozdemir - highly commended
Conor Poland - gold medal
Orla OConnor - bronze medal
Siat Can Ozdemir - highly commended
Orla OConnor - bronze medal
Laura Scott - bronze medal
Artiz Sterne - bronze medal
John Paul Killyleagh - bronze medal
Hannah Parks – Silver medal
Ruben Mills - Commended
Adam Curran –highly commended
Amber Jennings –highly commended