Monday’s event turned into an impromptu reunion, with Shimna’s past and present coming together for a celebratory occasion, combining founding and serving governors, staff and students. There was a also a glimpse of the future, with the welcome presence of P7 from All Children’s.
Monday’s ceremony paves the way for a programme of events to mark our upcoming thirtieth anniversary.

Extract from speech by Founding Principal, Kevin Lambe
“The parents [who founded Shimna] aspired to an Integrated, academically excellent, all ability, parent friendly, student-centred school, by which they meant: Integrated not because we all agree, but precisely because we differ; to be open about our personal background and our beliefs and come together in equal numbers to live and learn together, to celebrate difference and to learn from each other; … Today the children and grandchildren of those founding parents are here to sustain that founding ethos. Today, let us embrace the principles which sustain everything that has happened in this beloved building and which will carry over to the new.”
Extract from speech by Founding Chair of Governors, Angela Morgan
"Whilst today marks an exciting new chapter in the success story of Shimna, I would pay tribute to the parents of those first 60 students who joined us in Murlough House on 1 September 1994 - without them the school would not be here! I wish the staff and students the very best and will watch with pride from the sidelines as the Shimna story continues to unfold"

Thank you to Pat O’Hare at the Mourne Observer for the photographs