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30th Anniversary Concert showcases talent in Shimna ranks

This year’s Spring Concert transported the audience back thirty years with a heady mix of music, drama and dance. The evening was filled with the sounds of piano, drums, guitar, harp, ukulele, banjo, flute and accordion, as students performed a repertoire that included hits from iconic bands including Aslan, the Cranberries and the Pet Shop Boys. The integration of Indian and contemporary dance added a touch of cultural fusion. A special mention too for Year 8 student Sophie Mayers, compere for the night.


It was a wonderful and uplifting night, showcasing the immense talent of students and staff, and timely, given it was our Mental Health Week.


Thank you to Mrs Fitzpatrick, Mrs Quigley, Ms Maguire, Mrs Doyle and Mr Poland for their direction, and to the Parents’ Council for providing refreshments.



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