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"Take notice of the beautiful" student & staff awards

As we step into spring why not draw some inspiration from our student and staff photography award winners pictured with their beautiful photographs sent into us when they answered the call to "Take notice of the beautiful" back in January. Congratulations!

Student awards: Sea Category: Ruadh Daley (Yr 10), Panorama Category: Lily May Truesdale (Yr 11) Object category- Shreyash Wanhade (Yr 13), Mountain category- Katie Annett (Yr 8)

Staff Awards: Mountain Category: Campbell Mayers, Forest & Nature Category: Margaret Rowntree, Winter Category: Robbie Keenan, Forest & Nature Category: Ciaran Milligan.

Schools Category: P7 All Children's Integrated Primary School & P7 children of Kilbroney Integrated Primary School.

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